Daniel Penn Associates Awarded OSHA Safety Training Contract With The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts
Contact: Tony Rodriguez, President and CEO, Daniel Penn Associates
(860)232-8577; tonyr@danielpenn.com

Hartford, Conn., January 15, 2019 — Daniel Penn Associates, LLC (DPA) has been awarded a contract to provide safety training to employees of the Massachusetts Department of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance, Office of Facility Management and Maintenance.
To ensure compliance with both U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Massachusetts safety training requirements, DPA will provide general industry safety training to approximately 100 employees through OSHA’s 10-hour safety training course. The course will provide instruction on hazard communication, blood-borne pathogens; fire prevention, protection, emergency action plans, and egress; flammable liquids; electrical safety; personal protective equipment; machine guarding; slips, trips and falls; and safety and health programs.
Daniel Penn Associates is providing this training as part of a state-wide contract with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for consulting and training services. The company also has state-wide agreements with the states of Connecticut, Maryland, Michigan, Rhode Island, and Washington.
Daniel Penn Associates is a certified minority owned and operated management consulting firm with a proven track record of helping clients improve operating and management performance and drive down supply chain costs. Since 1978, DPA has provided commercial and government clients with services including business process improvement, Lean transformation initiatives, maintenance management, Lean Six Sigma training, supply chain management, warehousing optimization and capacity staffing tools.