What is lean and continuous improvement? Listening intently to employees’ ideas. Converting them into doable alternatives. Then helping everyone own the new process.
Daniel Penn Associates’ model gets to the root of your operational problem. How? We recommend solutions that maximize layout, boost efficiency, eliminate redundant steps, and smooth workflow. We make sure everyone is on board with the improvements through validation and training. As a result, we provide your company or organization with a foundation for ongoing continuous improvement.
What are the steps in our process?
Assess Process & Culture – We begin with a cultural and enterprise-wide scan of your operation. Then we identify your current lean maturity level, needs, and opportunities for change. We assess your operating practices and processes, systems, delivery performance, and costs. The assessment will help us develop strategies and recommend action plans, resources, and timelines that are tailored to your needs. It will also identify initial target projects that align with your goals.
Make the Changes – We help your teams carry out your lean and continuous improvement program. We help you implement new operating standards. We also support critical internal education and lean and continuous improvement training efforts that reinforce new ways of working. This process is holistic, hands-on, goal-oriented and never-ending.
Measure Results – To track and report on your lean transformation’s benefits, we develop metrics for operational performance, quality, and customer satisfaction.
Sustain the Gains – Management understanding and commitment. Audits. Keeping an eye on the goal. Through ongoing evaluation and in consultation with management, lean tools, and training, we help managers and employees sustain the new continuous improvement culture.
Ready to discuss your operational goals and challenges? We’re ready to listen.
Success Stories and How To’s
- How Lean Practices Mirror Olympic Training
- Components manufacturer streamlines the movement of parts, reduces idle time by more than 50%
- Lean Management and Continuous Improvement Work
- Apply a Lean Lens to Your Production Challenges
- How to get the most out of your company’s lean leadership training
- Four Ways Lean Supports DEI and DEI Supports Lean
- How to Tackle Overall Equipment Effectiveness
- Kaizen team boosts packaging operation OEE by 66.5%
- Value Stream Mapping Helps Cable Manufacturer Meet Customer Requirements
- Manufacturer of Commercial Explosives Dramatically Reduces Die Changeover, Startup and Shutdown Times
- Applying Soccer Discipline to Your Company’s Lean Daily Management
- An Operational Nod to Anthony Bourdain
What Our Clients Say
“I was surprised to learn how procedural changes can have such a big impact!”
“We know it will be important to obtain buy-in from our teams to achieve long term results.”
“[The Kaizen event DPA led] gave us lean improvement tasks we can work on immediately”.