Lean Training and Kaizen Events
We are excited to lead Lean and Kaizen events to support lean and continuous improvement for an architectural lighting designer and manufacturer.
Providing Facility Expansion Design and Layout Support
DPA is pleased to help support a lighting manufacturer’s facility design and layout to expand its footprint and production capacity.
Maintenance Strategies in Manufacturing
We’ll cover the latest maintenance strategies manufacturers use, explain when each is optimal, and outline how you can decide which approach fits your plant's unique needs.
The Chocolate Elephant
How do you eat a chocolate elephant? Well, the answer is easy and well-known – one bite at a time. The same is true when nibbling away at reducing lead
Components manufacturer streamlines the movement of parts, reduces idle time by more than 50%
By creating new workflows for support processes, the team eliminated nearly 740,000 feet per year of travel distance to move parts.
How Lean Practices Mirror Olympic Training
Your company’s Lean and continuous improvement teams drive organizational growth and excellence. While their critical role may often go unnoticed, these teams share traits with the world’s most elite athletes.
Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA)
DPA has successfully completed a design for manufacture and assembly (DFMA) training to reduce costs and to improve efficiency.
Part II: Set-Up Reduction for the Inserting Machines
Printing operation employees dramatically boost output and reduce scrap with set-up reduction events that improve flow, standardize work, and slash waste.
Lean Management and Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing
We are excited to support manufacturing setup reduction efforts through process review, procedure creation, and action plan development.