A New Look at In-sourcing and Cell Layout Boosts this Manufacturer’s Capacity by 107%

Identifying risks to product quality and other supply chain issues of logistics and costs reduces lead times by 60%, cell layout boosts capacity by 107%.

How to Boost Manufacturing Productivity

Organizations that apply lean thinking to their operations and processes can realize significant and sustainable productivity benefits.


Antonio R. (Tony) Rodriguez, CMC, President

Antonio (Tony) Rodriguez, CMC, president of Daniel Penn Associates, LLC, is a certified management consultant with 35 years experience in encouraging collaboration and progressive thinking to bring about effective change and organizational transformation.


Boost productivity and improve the supply chain.


Enhance work management and prevent costly repairs.

A Warehouse and Logistics Plan to Keep Pace with Growth

DPA helped a successful U.S. manufacturer work through its warehouse and logistics dilemmas.

Are Cobots Part of Your Plant’s Future?

Will robotic automation be part of your company’s transformation? If your assembly operations are light, cobots should be part of its future.

What’s Your Maintenance Strategy?

What’s Your Maintenance Strategy? Maintenance strategy doesn’t enter our non-technical brains unless it directly affects our productivity and well-being.

The Chocolate Elephant

How do you eat a chocolate elephant? Well, the answer is easy and well-known – one bite at a time. The same is true when nibbling away at reducing lead time.